Thursday, August 27, 2009

Points duly noted on a walk

We start walking
It is chilly outside
The sky overhead is grey and cloudy
Turn the corner
Noticed: Cigarette butts lying on the side of the pavement-the line where the grass meets the concrete
Someone was evidently staking out
The question is who?
And why?
Ssssshhhhhhhhh …..…
Keep walking
Noticed: A discarded McDonalds Happy meal carton with fries surrounding it.
Some kid didn’t like their Happy meal.
Or on the more believable side- just threw a tantrum because they didn’t get the burger they wanted
The fries smell so good and looks so lonely that you almost want to pick them and introduce them to the contents of your stomach.
Like any psychopath would.
I resist.

Keep walking

And walking

A motorcycle zips by
I smile like a kid who just opened her Christmas presents and found a hundred Barbie dolls
I look excitedly around.
No one appears to have noticed the sexy Harley Davidson zip by with the equally sexy motorcycle dude on it.
I look dejected like a kid who just found out she got 10 Barbie dolls instead of 100.
Keep trooping.
A car alarm beeping because some asshole probably bumped into it accidentally –on –purpose
I don’t know why.
Ask him
He probably needed some extra cash.
No owner running down to see what happened to the car

Blah blah blah
Stop walking
Do a 180 degree turn
Walk back home
The car alarm is sill blaring
Haven’t they heard of noise pollution?
Noticed: Crushed cigarette packet with the words ‘SMOKING KILLS’ emblazoned across it.
No one really cares.
At least the guy who bought the packets doesn’t
I shake my head at the stupidness and pig-headedness of those who pick up a cigarette packet and keep on walking
Turn onto my street
Another motorcycle zooms by
An evil /excited/happy/jubilant/exultant smile spreads across my face.
This time I don’t bother to look and see if anyone else saw it
Instead, I just gaze at the bike adoringly, lovingly as it races down the street and I make a promise to date a biker.
Preferably one who wears leather jackets ,so I can borrow them and look cool .
And I can ride on the back of his equally sexy bike and everyone will know me as the girl who dates the biker.
Maybe we will even fall in love.
And get married.
And then one day our marriage will break because he will be caught in a drug bust and then everyone will know me as the girl whose husband is in jail.
It was just a dream.
Keep walking.
Near the familiar lights of home-a red brick house with an enormous lawn and an overgrown hedge.
I smell chicken curry.
Walk terminated.

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